About The Writer: Molly , She/Her

Some Rules and Guidelines

  • PLEASE DO NOT interact or follow me if you interact or follow accounts featuring shota/loli/or IRL people.

  • 18+ Only, I don't write with minors.

  • Don't flirt with me or send sexual comments OOC, I may get uncomfortable.

  • Don’t use first/second POV please. That’s weird.

  • MultiShip-Ships are all in their own different and seperate AUs. Must have some chemistry. Please do not force me into a pairing.

  • Lewd must be earned and written in DMs. Do not force me into lewd if our muses don't click or have chem. Respect boundaries.

  • For novella and long style RPs, please feel free to DM about it. Plotting is also welcomed in DMS as well.

  • Take your time. I'm a very patient and I'm an understanding person. We're here to have fun, and this is a hobby nobody should have to rush on.

  • If it takes me a while to reply, assume I am busy and please be patient with me. I sometimes may be slow due to life offline, doing other projects and also having to take care of myself. I have health conditions that sometimes may delay my responses.

  • DO NOT SPAM ME, you can bump me after three days. My memory is poor sometimes, so please forgive me if I forget.

  • This is a mutual only account, meaning if I follow you and you follow me back for interactions and memes.

  • I'm not fully knowledgeable and memorized with Super, and GT quite yet. My memory is trash, please forgive me.

  • Nola's separate main pairing is with Cell. Although Cell muses are not obligated to follow along with how her main story goes. I enjoy different scenarios on how they meet, and enjoy his different portrayals. :)

  • All art of Nola is created by me so please don’t re-post it.

Nola's Info

Full Name: Nola Alon
Gender: Female
Height: 6’5
Species: Seatopian
Home: Yammutika (Originated from)
Alignment: Neutral

Nola's Back Story

Nola is a former guardian originally born in Seatopia, a massive subterranean realm on the planet, Yammutika. Home to quiet inhabitants for thousands of years.Nola and her twin brother, Meg are the first and only members of a beetle-like insectoid race called "Seatopians."The inhabitants of Seatopia revered the twins as their Gods, as they were divine beings who guarded over land as they grew up. Often seen defending the lands from enemies.In a sudden unfortunate event, Nola and her brother got captured. Both twins being abducted from their home planet and forced to serve as slaves to an alien war queen named Vorticia. After being taken away, they left their home destroyed in ruins.
Vorticia sent both siblings on many missions, treated and trained them harshly, and subjected the both siblings to mind control.
Both insectile creatures made forcefully into being destructive and mindless killing machines.
With years that had passed by, Vorticia deemed Nola formidable enough to be within the top ranks of her army. From being able to persevere through the painful, long and harsh years of training and being sent into many battles and wars where she faced several near-death experiences. Until polished to be one of the War Queen’s perfected warriors, and a destructive weapon. Nola’s memories of her past and home got stripped away from her mind and instead to be replaced with an unwilling obedience and subservient behaviour.
Soon the Queen would begin searching for far stronger warriors that could be of use to her, planning to trade off both Seatopian twins to another leader. His methods of treatment were far worse than Vorticia’s.
Angered by this, Meg would come up with an idea, wanting to save his sibling from enduring any more pain and torment. He’d plan in secret to send Nola off to a planet where she’d be safe, possibly undetected, and avoid being captured again.
Being sent off to Earth in an escape pod, Nola crash lands on the planet and has to adapt to the new environment on her own. Luckily doing so easily, as she keeps her presence undetected.


Nola is faintly aloof but mostly caring and kind hearted. Her kind nature is not to be taken as weakness. She is known to be cautious when it comes to approaching others, occasionally curious, and shows a lot of modesty. When she takes a liking to you, she is very caring, affectionate and loyal. She will possibly grant you telepathy to keep in contact with her and communicate with her whenever needed.

Positives: Affectionate, Harmonious, Diligent, Considerate, Loyal, Dependable, Curious, Disciplined, Dutiful, Generous, Humble, Caring, Supportive, Adaptable.
Negative: Over-caring, subservient, can be distant sometimes, Overly modest, PTSD, Reoccurring traumatic flashbacks/memories in dreams

Abilities and Powers

  • Drill Proficiency  Nola’s forearms can switch to drills whenever she pleases. These drills are made out of an indestructible metal material. They can be used to help burrow and create tunnels underground, or even be used for hand to hand combats Being hit or gored with them can cause a lot of damage. She also can discharge energy through them, making powerful energy punches.

  • Harden- With Nola’s adaptive skin armor, it hardens itself instinctively within fight or sensing a threat, making her all but invulnerable to any blunt force. Her skin armor can harden and even change into metal like materials

  • Adaptive Exoskeleton/Armor- Nola’s armor can actually change depending on the environment and situation when needed. Her armored skin is highly durable and adaptable. Even for cold situations Nola possesses an ability to sprout special fur of some sort in the cold/winter

  • Camouflage/Invisibility- Nola can envelope her form into invisible camouflage if she feels is needed. Though this may not always be effective with those who have special eye sight and have excellent detection.

  • Regenerative healing- She can heal from wounds instantly. Though this can depend on how severe the damage the speed of her healing time. Her skin armor can also self repair.

  • Geokinesis/Earth Manipulation- Being an subterranean being, Nola is born with earth abilities, being able to make rock or earth constructs that can be used for combat and can create violent earthquakes. Offensive uses of this power include extracting huge boulders from the ground and hurling it at the enemy at high speeds, impaling the enemy with countless spikes from the earth and in some cases creating giant golems or other creatures from earth and utilize them for combat. Defensive powers include shaping huge walls or barriers from the ground, creating an omni-directional wave of rocks/stone around the user to defend from all attacks and covering oneself with armor made from earth. Supplementary uses of this power include flight by standing on a piece of levitating earth and enhanced movement by using by skating on the earth and gaining enhanced senses from sensing the earth.

  • Horn Crown- A Seatopian’s horn is the most noticeable and also valuable feature. It possesses a few odd yet useful abilities. It can be used as a form of a radar, a weapon and even possesses slight absorption abilities. Nola can fire energy beams from her horn as well and absorb attacks to then reflect back towards them. These beams can range from Ki, lightning, creating explosions, or melting through materials. Using the gem on the top, she can absorb useful materials through the horn to be able to materialize it and use for her body armor. EX: absorbing iron from blood, absorbing other metals can increase her armor’s durability even more. Aside from materials, the gem can also be absorbent of long range attacks and reflect back to it’s sender. Occasionally she may absorb random objects as a temporary “storage”. (Strange Magic ability)

  • Magnetic Pulse- Nola can generate a magnetic like field that draws her opponents towards her, before unleashing a pulse that can damage enemies and launches them flying  away from her.

  • High Stamina-Nola’s stamina is shown to have a fairly high amount of stamina. From lasting in fights that have gone on for days for her training, being in wars and missions where rest was not an option, flying on long travels.

Fighting Style

Nola is an highly durable and precise strike fighter. She will study her opponents movements and seeks striking quickly at weak spots to disorient them and take them down. She is excellent in hand to hand combat, showing to know some form of martial arts and is proficient with also using her Geokenesis abilities. Nola possesses an outrageous amount of stamina, and is able to fight for long periods of time, and is highly deft in her defense.She may also show to be very tank-y will remain persistent through many different attacks, and rarely has the need to dodge or block thanks to her durability.


(more soon to be added)

Imperial Form- This form is usually triggered when Nola is enraged, in a bloodlust or occasionally can be triggered while in heat. Nola is shown to be more aggressive and reaches up to 7'5 ft in height.She also gets major boost in power and radiates a partial divinity like aura.A drawback that Nola often faces when going into this form, is memory loss.

More Information/Headcanons

  • Nola keeps her ki/energy always suppressed. It’s difficult to detect how truly strong she is, unless fighting/sparring with her, where her true strength leaks out. She avoids drawing attention with her level of power.

  • Nola can see during the nighttime/the dark just as good as she can see during the day. Her eyes glow at night.

  • She is an herbivore. Nola eats fruits, veggies, and may sometimes be seen out collecting different flowers and plants. Her body won’t tolerate any form of meat.

  • Nola can not feel physical pain on her forearms and hands.

  • Seatopian's horn, drills, mandibles, and toe claws are made of a rare indestructible metal material.

  • Seatopians can also rip off a piece of their own armor and give it to someone of their choice, which it can reform and create someone else adaptive assets. This can be a chest piece, forearm spines, and leg armor.

  • She often gets flashbacks which often keep her awake at night.

  • She's used to going long periods of time without sleep.

  • Nola enjoys learning new things and being taught different things. She's often very curious and learns quickly.

  • She is very protective over children.

  • Nola mostly stays clear away from busy, or city like places. You'll find her out in places mostly with a lot of nature or anywhere with a lot of flowers.

  • She loves any kind of flower, yet her favorites are roses, lilies, sunflowers, Gladiolus, lotus and orchids.
